A healthy erection is the pride of every man, especially in old age. If there is a decrease in potency in men, they become anxious, irritable, withdrawn, self-esteem decreases. Most begin to fight the disease with drugs that increase the production of the hormone testosterone.
They are not suitable for everyone, they have a lot of side effects. Some experienced doctors, having discovered a problem, recommend trying folk remedies to increase potency. Often they help to cope with the disease, if it has not yet become chronic.
Causes of the offense
You should not try to self-diagnose and start treatment, only a doctor can determine the problem and its stage of development, he will tell you how to increase potency. Treatment is also prescribed individually, after a comprehensive examination.
The main causes of potency disorders:
- Avitaminosis.
- Eating large amounts of fats, carcinogens, chemical flavor enhancers, alcohol.
- Long course of antibiotics.
- Taking medications that negatively affect the body's production of testosterone.
- Frequent stressful situations.
- Passive lifestyle.
- Bad underwear.
Traditional medicine can help to cope with the problem of violation of normal male potency, only if the cause of its violation are negative factors. If the main cause of the disease is a disease, traditional medical therapy for the male reproductive system is indispensable.
According to medical statistics, common causes of erectile dysfunction in men 30-60 years oldare:
- Diseases of a chronic nature.
- Bad habits.
- Frequent stress.
- Bad nutrition.
- Living in places with unfavorable environmental conditions.
Methods of diagnosing the disease
Erection problems do not always manifest themselves directly. If the failure of erectile function manifests itself infrequently, then this can be considered the first symptom of the development of pathology, medical consultation is necessary. It should be remembered that folk remedies for improving potency are medicinal herbal infusions that can cause a severe allergic reaction.
Also, do not exclude the possibility of the presence of latent infections in the body. Some of them at the initial stage have a negative effect on increasing potency. In this case, folk remedies for male potency will be ineffective.
Before an accurate diagnosisnecessary:
- Analysis to determine the pathogenic flora of the organism.
- Tests for all types of venereal disease.
- Consult a urologist, proctologist, exclude the presence of pathologies in the reproductive system.
- If necessary, do an ultrasound.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with honey
Even in ancient times, folk remedies for improving potency included wild bee honey, it was considered the main delicacy of lovers. It contains a large number of vitamins and elements that have a positive effect on the male reproductive system. Many men who carefully monitor their male health eat a small spoonful of honey daily.
To increase the power, you can use a specialmixture of honey and nuts. It normalizes the blood circulation of the penis, restores erectile function. For cooking you need natural honey and nuts.

Honey can be buckwheat, linden. Chop the nuts. If there is an additional problem with ejaculation, dried apricots and dates are added to the healing composition. They improve the functioning of the penis, the composition of sperm will be more active.
The mixture is taken every day: 1 large spoon at breakfast and dinner. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
People who are overweight, have metabolic problems, are not recommended to take the above composition, there are other folk remedies for a quick increase in potency.
In addition to the therapeutic mixture, you can makehoney candles:the main component is the wax cake. We mix 0. 5 kg of raw materials and 0. 5 l of vodka, bring to a boil, simmer until the composition browns, becomes thick. Cool, then make candles yourself, leave in the cold for 20-24 hours.
The base can be petroleum jelly or glycerin. Candles are used rectally 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 30 days.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with herbs
With the improvement of potency in men, medicinal herbs have always occupied a special place. They enrich the body with valuable minerals and substances, natural oils. What folk remedies are suitable for an individual, the doctor will tell.
The herbs dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, stabilize blood supply to the genitals, kill harmful microbes, help reduce inflammation in the urethra, inside the bladder.
One of the most popular is ginseng. He hasmany useful properties:
- Increase body efficiency.
- Increase body endurance.
- Normalization of erectile function.
Ginseng as the main component belongs to natural medicines, the purpose of which is to increase the potency of folk remedies.
If the pathology is in the initial stage, then to stabilize the work of the penis, you can drink tea or tincture of ginseng. For its preparation, it is desirable to use fresh grass, if this is not possible, then dried leaves are taken.
You need a spoonful of plant, 350 grams of honey, 30 grams of vodka. Mix, insist 10 days. Within 2 months, take the infusion 3 times a day for half a teaspoon.
The second most popular for increasing potency is nettle. It simultaneously restores the strength of the body, relieves inflammatory processes and improves the potency of a man.
To prepare a healing infusion, you will need greens and dried raw materials - 2 large spoons, 100-150 ml of boiling water are poured, insisted for 30-40 minutes, strained. Take 25-30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, duration of treatment - 40-45 days.
Nettle is best treated in the spring when the foliage is still young and juicy. In other seasons, nettle seeds can be used.
To prepare the mixture you will need a spoonful of seeds, 200 grams of honey, 50-70 grams of red wine. Usage - a small spoonful 2 times a day for 30-40 days.
Thyme is considered a healing plant to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. It enriches a man's body with zinc.
To prepare the infusion, you will need 2 large spoons of the plant - pour boiling water, insist 20-25 minutes. The composition can be used instead of tea, but no more than 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 4-5 months.
Methods to increase potency "quickly"
In folk medicine there are fast-acting remedies for male potency. Their undoubted advantage is safety for the body, naturalness.
An effective method for increasing potency in men is consideredmustard dressings. They are used topically, that is, they must be applied to the place responsible for erection and sexual desire, in men it is the feet. To irritate the reflex zones, you need to apply mustard plasters to the feet for 10-15 minutes, the blood gradually rushes to the pelvic region, the penis increases.
It is not recommended to use mustard dressings if the individual has wounds on the body, fever or chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Traditional medicine for male representatives often recommends walking barefoot, doing a foot massage. Not recommended in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
If erectile dysfunction rarely worries, then folk remedies for a quick increase in potency areoriental spice drinks- they have a good effect on the work of the heart muscle, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. You can add saffron, ginger, cloves to a hot drink. Teas improve the quality of sexual intercourse, there is a prevention of diseases of the reproductive system.
In old age, an individual should be especially attentive to his health and choose only safe folk remedies to increase potency. This is considered foodpumpkin seeds. Better if raw.
To prepare the composition you will need 5 tablespoons of crushed seeds, 3 tablespoons of natural honey, aloe juice - everything is mixed and infused for 72 hours. To increase potency in older men, you need to use a small spoon 6 times a day. The course does not exceed 30 days.
Only a specialist can answer the question of how to increase potency with folk remedies. It is important that the pathology is at the initial stage of development.
It is important to remember that there are always contraindications. Restoration of potency with folk remedies in recent years is also very popular due to high prices for high-quality drugs.